Google Home: The Perfect Google Assistant

Google Home: The Perfect Google Assistant

Have you ever dreamed about a device that will keep you up to date and will allow you to control your home from a distance? While it may sound a bit futuristic, Google is making big steps towards this prototype.  And, until you get to control everything around with gestures and voice for now you get to enjoy the cute and small Google Home – the assistant everyone wants to have.

The device is not larger than a Bluetooth speaker and can be controlled via voice, touch, or commands received via phone. The upper surface is touch sensitive and the lights that show the device’s activity implement the well-known Google colors.

Here you can take a peek at how the product actually looks like.

How does it work and what it can do?

Well, the device has several controls which are extremely simple, thus you have:

  • A mute button to deactivate the microphone and the voice commands,
  • Tap once on the touch surface to pause or play an alarm, a song, a response, or a timer
  • To turn the volume up and down, you just have to draw a circle with your finger (counter-clockwise for down and clockwise for up).
  • To activate a voice command say ‘OK Google’ – the lights will be in intermittent status while the device listens to your request and replies.

When it come what it can do, it’s not that much different from a phone. Still, the device is integrated with powerful speakers and can be activated by voice even when you’re not sitting next to it. You can ask your assistant to play music, radio, or podcasts using platforms like YouTube, Pandora, Google Play Music, and others.

You can also benefit from Google’s immense library of information and ask questions. You can ask for the weather that day and listen to it while brushing your teeth, details about traffic (so you won’t get stuck), news from finance, business, or sports, and more.

So, instead of opening the TV in the morning, and waiting for the news to be fed to you, you can ask for them from your personal assistant. Isn’t this cooler?

Is it worth it?

In a world where TV is out of many people’s homes, such an assistant is definitely the next best thing. Even more, if you allow it, the Google Home assistant will learn your habits and become one of the best personal assistants you ever had.  

And, the best news is that you can also use it for your business. For instance, you can place it in your office and use it as a personal assistant. You can ask Google Home to send emails using just your voice, set reminders, and keep your Google Calendar up to date.

Even more, Google Home can be combined with Google Chromecast and use it as a personal assistant that pushes content on the screen in the boardroom during a meeting.

Sounds good up until now? Well, you can register to pre-order now and you will be one of the first people to enjoy it!

The future

Google is already preparing the future for their assistant and tries to have it integrated into as many devices as possible. This means that you will be able to sync your data and have your assistant wherever you go.

The first device to support Google Home Assistant is the new Pixel Phone by Google. This device comes with some pretty amazing features, but the one that is most astonishing is the fantastic camera technology (besides the assistant, of course).

If you don’t know what we’re talking about, take a look here.

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