Cost Analysis for Achieving Essential Eight Compliance Across Various Operating Environments

In the cyber world, the need for robust security measures is paramount. The Essential Eight cybersecurity framework, designed by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), is often adopted by businesses to protect against a range of threats. However, implementing this framework can be a costly affair, depending on the specific operating environment and company size. …

The New & Improved Gmail for your Business

The New & Improved Gmail for your Business On average, an employee goes through about 124 emails per day, which means 620 emails per week. A regular person spends about 11 hours of their work week to sort out through everything (even if some of these are not important). As a result, up to 28% …

Essential 8: Security Recommendations from The Australian Government

Every business, from one-person companies to organizations that hire thousands of employees, is in danger of becoming a victim of cyber-attacks.  Furthermore, cyber-attacks are no longer led by mischievous hackers trying to prove their power by hacking large organisations. Nowadays, the largest target for cybercriminals are small to medium size businesses because they often have …

Did you Know Your Mac Computer Can Get Viruses Too?

Did you Know Your Mac Computer Can Get Viruses Too? In our experience as an IT support company we get to deal with all sorts of IT-related problems, but one that stands out from the crowd comes from Apple Mac computer users. Many live with the impression that Apple devices are not vulnerable when it …


Onsite Helper’s Seminar: TRANSFORM YOUR WORK WITH GOOGLE CLOUD Would you like to visit Google’s Office in Melbourne? On July 18th, you have the chance to see the office and enjoy a free seminar hosted by Onsite Helper! We invite you at 161 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000, between 11.30am and 1.30pm to talk about …

How to Get Up and Running with Hangouts Meet Hardware

How to Get Up and Running with Hangouts Meet Hardware If you’ve made the decision to invest in Hangouts Meet Hardware (one of the best video meetings system on the market!), here is a quick guide to get you up and running.   But before we start, please keep in mind that the instructions provided …

The Value of a Good Video Meetings System for Your Organisation

The Value of a Good Video Meetings System for Your Organisation Communication is one of the most important elements of the business world. Whether it’s done for networking purposes (looking for new partners and opportunities) or inside the organisation (a collaboration between departments and employees), communication is crucial! The good news is that, due to …

Windows 7 End of Life: What Does it Mean & How to Prepare?

The End of Life warning sounds rather final, right? According to Microsoft, the Windows 7 Doomsday is set for January 14, 2020. But what does that mean for the regular folk who still enjoy the simplicity of the good old Windows 7 over the flashiest and more hip Windows 10? As it turns out, you …

Keeping your wordpress website safe

Keeping Your WordPress Website Safe WordPress is a great CMS platform, it offers an easy way for people to update websites themselves. If you DIY your website content then its important to pay attention to the updates. Particularly wordpress plugins as cybercriminals often find vulnerabilities with the plugin code and are able to break into …

World Backup Day: Take the Pledge

World Backup Day: Take the Pledge On March 31st, the entire world celebrates World Backup Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness on cyber threats and crimes, and ways users can protect their data. In celebration of this day, the page posted information on how backups can literally save our digital lives, whether we’re …

Data Breaches Hit the Healthcare Sector Hard

Data Breaches Hit the Healthcare Sector Hard Australian Businesses and organizations operate under the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme, which specifies that each data breach must be made public to the authorities and the affected customers or users. To avoid public exposure and loss of credibility, many Australian companies and organizations invested more in their …

Control access to corporate data for approved devices

Control Access to Corporate Data for Approved Devices Google have just released a great new security feature that can help secure your companies data. Known as G Suite Endpoint Verification. Endpoint verification is a Google Chrome extension that syncs with your G Suite domain to verify the device your working on as to allow or …

Cybercriminals Focus on the Health Sector

The healthcare system deals with lots of sensitive information, that can be used to create believable identity theft attempts, insurance scams, and can even affect people’s lives and well-being. Considering the gravity of the situation, one may think that hospitals and clinics invest more in security solutions. However, a recent attack on the Cabrini Hospital …

New Google Tool for a Safer Online Activity

New Google Tool for a Safer Online Activity This year, on February 5th, we celebrated Safer Internet Day, an initiative supported by the European Commission and other organizations for a safer internet for kids everywhere. On this occasion, Google responded by releasing the ‘Password Checkup’ Chrome extension. The extension’s main purpose is to check combinations …

New G Suite Updates to Make your Job Easier

New G Suite Updates to Make your Job Easier G Suite is constantly improving based on feedback received from customers, which is why new updates are constantly rolling out. For this month (updates were released on December 10th), Google offers three new features, that will impact both admins and end users. #1: Devices Inventory Nowadays …

MS Office as a Threat to your Company’s Cyber-Security

MS Office as a Threat to your Company’s Cyber-Security There is a weakness in the Microsoft Office suite that’s well tested by hackers and most people are knowledgeable about, but it still creates a lot of damage. This weakness is in the macro feature, which allows for malicious Visual Basic scripts to be embedded in …

Reported Data Breaches So Far

Reported Data Breaches So Far Australian institutions seem to be under attack with about 49 notifications of data breaches in the private health sector and 36 in the financial sector as of June 2018! These are actually notifications made to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner under the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme that started …

New G Suite Update that Helps Avoid Version Conflicts on Drive Edits

New G Suite Update that Helps Avoid Version Conflicts on Drive Edits Have you ever lost useful information and hard-worked content because the system didn’t show you the document was being edited by someone else at the same time? Whenever you open a Microsoft Office document (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or any other formats) shared in …

The real cost of IT issues

The Real Cost of IT Issues // Have you ever thought about what the real costs are when it comes to your IT issues? Research conducted by CIO magazine shows that IT downtime costs Australian organisations $65.5 billion per year, and that the average organisation experienced more than three working days of unexpected downtime per …

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