The news has been around for a while now but for those who have not heard and are users of Windows XP, take heed.
From 8 April 2014, Microsoft is ending its Windows XP support. Windows XP was launched back in October 2001. As part of Microsoft’s ten year Support Lifecycle Policy, Microsoft has been providing users with periodic new security updates and patches. However, this ends as of 8 April 2014.
What does that mean for users of Windows XP? The reliance of an operating system which is over a decade old means that businesses running it are doing business at half the pace of their competitors and encountering obstacles that no one else faces anymore. Businesses using the unsupported operating system post April 2014 will open their businesses up to the ever evolving and sophisticated cyber threats leaving their data, customer and credit card information unsecured.
The good news is the trend is shifting. Businesses on Windows XP are taking heed. The usage of Windows XP has fallen to 31.22% in early 2013 and with the looming support cut-off quickly advancing, this should fall to 20% once the time comes.
Moving forward may seem scary for users of Windows XP but it will do wonders for your business. Windows 8 activation is in excess of 100 million licences and it is a better time than ever to embrace the new and improved technology.
Onsite Helper have helped many businesses make the transition from XP to Windows 7 or 8. Whether we upgraded the operating system on their current hardware or replaced the entire computer with a new one. Our customers have had a smooth transition and ongoing support during this process.
Feel free to contact us for a free recommendation on which option would best suit your business.